Nicholas Nick - Real Estate Speaker

Nicholas Nick

Lead Mining Pros

Contact Nicholas »

Nicholas Nick is the founder of Lead Mining Pros. He is a serial entrepreneur, real estate investor, and an avid traveler, enjoying trekking out on his Onewheel or taking trips in his Winnebago and sharing those adventures on social media.

He took the “10,000 hours method” and kept taking it one step further. He mastered individual careers, chased continuous milestones, and always found ways to streamline results to ensure maximum financial benefit.

Nicholas spent 14 years in the restaurant industry and 3 years working for a national mentorship company both as an event coordinator and then quickly moved up to being an executive overseeing all fulfillment. He quickly made his first year unforgettable by turning over 700k in sales and building a strong foundation of 24 employees.

Above all, Lead Mining taught him how to take the training and experience he learned to create a business that truly flourishes. And be it reducing turnover and creating better relationships through smart human resources, training staff members more effectively and maximizing their potential, or delivering high-quality services and products while saving money, he found a way to get the most out of every decision.

Nicholas can help you manage your PNL to greatness by overcoming the roadblocks and challenges you’ll face more quickly and with more confidence. He can show you how to market yourself, sell your products or services, set realistic expectations, and save money without sacrificing quality. He can also help make 750k your first year, even with a $0 budget. How to manage your business, social media, website, and CRM to payment options while still inspiring clients.

Inflation: The Silent Retirement Killer: How to Outwit the Fed and Their Extraction of Your Wealth by Dr. David Phelps

Nicholas’s areas of expertise:

Coaching – Real EstateEmail MarketingMarketing StrategySocial Media

Nicholas has spoken at:

The Family

Inflation: The Silent Retirement Killer: How to Outwit the Fed and Their Extraction of Your Wealth by Dr. David Phelps

Contact Nicholas Nick

If you want to get in touch with Nicholas Nick about him speaking at your event or you and him collaborating in some other way, fill out the form below.

Someone from our team will get in touch to talk about your needs, offer suggestions on who else you should meet, and introduce you to Nicholas so the two of you (and anyone else we introduce you to) can do big things together!

Speaker Contact Form

Nicholas Nick